Collaborative exposition design
Viewers' participation in separate expositions development devoted to their personal stories and objects
The majority of story and artifacts contributors delegated display composition to the museum employees. It was especially typical of adults who took the museum institution seriously and with great respect. There were only two exceptions. In both cases it was men with a vast travel experience and teaching practice. Unfortunately, their presentations were organized so traditionally that we persuaded them to leave this task for us. As the exhibition showed almost every donator was happy with our arrangement of their items exposition, and some of them were really delighted with the way their stories were presented.

At the same time a younger audience was eager to actively arrange their personal showcases. As a result, two girls prepared a complete design of one window (the materials' author and her friend). Though, the decision capable of reflecting their idea was collaborative.

Another author wanted to see the arrangement of his photos display. His advice was taken into consideration and the final variant of his exposition satisfied both parties.
A traveler, journalist Nikita Suchkov is making a picture of his stand to share it with people in the photos (couchsurfers from different countries)
Nina Simon also fixes different attitudes of story tellers to the arrangement of their showcases («Santa Cruz Collects» project).

As for the final display design we observed the following story. While some collectors allowed us to select and dress a stand with their collection, others collaborated in terms of the best ways of their items presenting prompted by their whim [1].

It is difficult to assess this practice effectiveness. On the one hand, participants gain new experience; on the other hand, an exposition created by such "homemade" technique can be interesting only to people involved.

Although it is also a plus and a separate branch of museum 2.0. expositions. The potential of such communicative stories are well shown by the project "Multi-school", when exhibition creation became a subject matter of a dialogue about tolerance.

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