For my wife, Yekaterina Kamenskaya,
without whom this project's implementation
could not be possible
In some sense everything in our life is travelling.

And if all our life is a round-the-world cruise, then its projects are kinds of expeditions exploring continents and islands on our way.

Any journey comprises Choice of direction, Preparations, Pathway, Another world and Memories. This is the way how both our exhibition and our research were arranged. Such process-based approach proved to be perfect for internalizing and describing the adventure we have experienced.

The travelogue genre was adapted for transmitting, by means of emphasis-on-detail narrative, information about twists and turns of the route, about what we saw and heard with further reflections. In this, it is close to a philosophical look of Alain de Botton's "The Art of Travel" who we consider one of the leading lights of the project.
The book consists of 5 chapters.

The first chapter expounds the idea and the research conceptual foundations

The second chapter justifies Participatory Culture as a key instrument of the project

The third chapter examines the implementation of the project, considers effectiveness of various forms through which viewers are involved in creating museum exposition

The fourth chapter depicts interpretation of museum artifacts, results of travel study in its anthropological dimension

The fifth chapter deals with how visitors and experts perceive the exhibition
Despite the fact that our "expedition" lasted over the year we have managed to have just a glimpse of many things from the corner of our eyes. New plans where to travel to have appeared. New ideas for thorough explorations of Newland named "Participatory culture" have emerged.

Obviously, there are few things as exciting as the idea of going somewhere discovering new countries and cities with a team of co-thinkers and co-dreamers who in the same way can be easily woken up by the vibrating thoughts "I'm heading to…!"

I dare to invite you to become a part of this journey. There is some room for your plans, ideas, doubts, descriptions of the projects realized. Your involvement can turn the research into project 2.0.

Move on!
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